Baju ni termasuk dalam senarai baju nak di jahit. Setakat ni tak de kesempatan lagi sebab baru dok jahit baju kurung biasa dulu.
Dok godek2 internet ni, terjumpa lak blog yg menarik yg bagi tutorial yg senang difahami utk jahit baju ni. Kalau minat nak cuba, boleh la klik kat sini, kat sini
Aug 31, 2010
Jul 23, 2010
May 10, 2010
1 sudu minyak zaitun
1 ulas bawang putih - tumbuk
200g leek - mayang halus
200g kentang - potong kasar
1/2 tsp fresh thyme
500ml vegetable stock
1. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih serta leek selama 3 minit/ hingga layu.
2. Masukkan kentang, thyme dan stok sayur. Kacau seketika. Biarkan sehingga kentang empuk.
3. Kisar semuanya dan panaskan sekali lagi sblm dihidangkan.
- saya gantikan stok sayuran dgn stok ayam
- fresh thyme saya gantikan dgn 1/4 tsp dried thyme
- sblm dihidang. saya taburkan sedikit cayenne.
May 6, 2010
Egg Substitutes (taken from Madhuram's eggless cooking)
There are many egg replacements available for baking or any recipes that calls for eggs. Most of the egg substitutes can be purchased at health food stores and most grocery stores. Here in this page, you can find excellent recipes that are tried and tested using various egg substitutes. This page will be regularly updated with various egg substitutes and recipes using them.
Egg Substitute | Quantity | Best Suitable For | How is the result? |
Based on the information provided in The Joy of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau and Cooking Free: 200 Flavorful Recipes for People with Food Allergies and Multiple Food Sensations by Carol Fenster. | |||
Silken Tofu | Substitute ¼ cup of whipped silken tofu for each egg. | Rich, dense and moist cakes, cookies, breads and brownies | Baked goods won’t brown as deeply, but they will be very moist and heavy. |
Flaxseed Powder | Whisk/blend together 1 teaspoon of flax seed powder with ¼ cup of water for each egg to be replaced. (Also see My Notes 1) | Flaxseed has a nutty flavor, so it works best that are grainier and nuttier, such as waffles, pancakes, bran muffins, breads and oatmeal cookies. Best in dark colored dishes. | The baked goods are heavier, dense. |
Pureed Fruits (mashed bananas, applesauce, apricots, pears, prunes) | ¼ cup for each egg. Increase leavening by 25-50%. Bake items slightly longer, if necessary. | Cakes, quick breads and brownies. | |
Vinegar and Baking soda | 1 teaspoon of baking soda along with 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar and white distilled vinegar can be used. | Cakes, cupcakes and quick breads. | |
Buttermilk, Yogurt or Baking Soda | If there are no other ingredients to make the baked item rise, then one of these can be used in place of the egg. Replace the liquid in the recipe with same amount of buttermilk or thinned yogurt. Replace baking powder with ¼ as much baking soda. | cookies, bars and flatbreads. | |
Commericial Egg Replacer Powder (like EnerG) | Whip together in a food processor or blender 1 ½ teaspoons powder and 2 tablespoons water. Sometimes 2-3 times as much powder in the same amount of water gives better results. | All baked goods, especially cookies. | Flavorless, won’t affect the taste of the baked goods. |
May 4, 2010
May 2, 2010
Apr 29, 2010
Resepi asal dari Koleksi resepi Diana. Tapi saya dah buat sedikit adjustment berdasarkan bahan2 yang ada dalam koleksi dapur saya. Saya intai2 juga resepi yang tertulis kat kotak lasagna tu dan suai padan dgn resepi asal.
Jadi untuk meat sauce lasagna ni saya dah tambah cili, serbuk buah pala, carrot, oyster mushroom, fresh tomato tanpa basil, capsicum, canned tomato. Saya juga tak masukkan gula sbb saya tak suka ikan manis.
Untuk cheese sauce pula saya guna cheddar dan mozarella dan cream menggantikan susu cair. saya juga masukkan sedikit lada hitam.
Ini lah hasilnya:
Jadi untuk meat sauce lasagna ni saya dah tambah cili, serbuk buah pala, carrot, oyster mushroom, fresh tomato tanpa basil, capsicum, canned tomato. Saya juga tak masukkan gula sbb saya tak suka ikan manis.
Untuk cheese sauce pula saya guna cheddar dan mozarella dan cream menggantikan susu cair. saya juga masukkan sedikit lada hitam.
Ini lah hasilnya:
Apr 21, 2010
Apr 19, 2010
Bahan A
1 ekor ayam (belah 2) @ 1 kg daging kambing + tulang
3 cawan beras basmathi ~ cuci, rendam 30 minit kemudian toskan
4 1/2 cawan (@ secukupnya) air panas
2 sudu minyak masak
1 sudu minyak sapi
Bahan B
1 batang kayu manis
3 biji buah pelaga
2 biji bunga cengkih
1 biji bunga lawang
1 biji bawang besar ~ potong dadu
3 ulas bawang putih ~ potong dadu
1 inci halia - tumbuk lumat
Bahan C
1 biji tomato ~ kisar
2 sudu tomato puri
1/2 sudu kecil pewarna kuning/ sedikit saffron
2 sudu besar rempah kabsa*
1 biji lemon hitam/ kering ~ cucuk tengahnya (kalau tak ada, lupakan saja;)
1 sudu kecil lada hitam ~ biji/ serbuk
Bahan D
1 batang karot ~ parut
1 biji capsicum merah ~ potong dadu
2 biji cili merah ~ jangan potong
1/4 cawan kismis
Garam secukup rasa & gula jika suka
1. Panaskan minyak & minyak sapi. Tumis bahan B sehingga wangi.
2. Masukkan bahan C & goreng sebentar.
3. Masukkan ayam/ daging & biarkan sehingga masak. Masukkan garam & gula secukup rasa.
4. Masukkan bahan D serta beras dan kacau.** Masukkan air panas secukupnya, kacau & biarkan nasi sehingga masak.
5. Kacau/ gembur nasi apabila betul2 masak selepas 30 minit supaya nasi tidak hancur.
** sekiranya menggunakan rice cooker, masukkan semuanya ke dalam rice cooker sebelum memasukkan air panas.
~boleh dihidang bersama dgn dalca.
~untuk sos/ sambal: kisar tomato, cili hijau/ merah, batang ketumbar (kalau tak suka baunya, tak perlu letak), gula, garam & perahan jus lemon.
* rempah kabsa
Satu sudu makan cengkih, lada hitam, jintan manis, jintan putih, buah pelaga dan buah pelaga hitam (kalau tak ada gantikan dengan pelaga biasa). Goreng semuanya tanpa minyak hingga naik bau dan angkat.
Kisar semuanya hingga hancur bersama dengan 1 sudu makan serbuk cili dan 1 sudu teh serbuk kunyit.
Simpan rempah dalam bekas kedap udara
Bahan A
1 ekor ayam (belah 2) @ 1 kg daging kambing + tulang
3 cawan beras basmathi ~ cuci, rendam 30 minit kemudian toskan
4 1/2 cawan (@ secukupnya) air panas
2 sudu minyak masak
1 sudu minyak sapi
Bahan B
1 batang kayu manis
3 biji buah pelaga
2 biji bunga cengkih
1 biji bunga lawang
1 biji bawang besar ~ potong dadu
3 ulas bawang putih ~ potong dadu
1 inci halia - tumbuk lumat
Bahan C
1 biji tomato ~ kisar
2 sudu tomato puri
1/2 sudu kecil pewarna kuning/ sedikit saffron
2 sudu besar rempah kabsa*
1 biji lemon hitam/ kering ~ cucuk tengahnya (kalau tak ada, lupakan saja;)
1 sudu kecil lada hitam ~ biji/ serbuk
Bahan D
1 batang karot ~ parut
1 biji capsicum merah ~ potong dadu
2 biji cili merah ~ jangan potong
1/4 cawan kismis
Garam secukup rasa & gula jika suka
1. Panaskan minyak & minyak sapi. Tumis bahan B sehingga wangi.
2. Masukkan bahan C & goreng sebentar.
3. Masukkan ayam/ daging & biarkan sehingga masak. Masukkan garam & gula secukup rasa.
4. Masukkan bahan D serta beras dan kacau.** Masukkan air panas secukupnya, kacau & biarkan nasi sehingga masak.
5. Kacau/ gembur nasi apabila betul2 masak selepas 30 minit supaya nasi tidak hancur.
** sekiranya menggunakan rice cooker, masukkan semuanya ke dalam rice cooker sebelum memasukkan air panas.
~boleh dihidang bersama dgn dalca.
~untuk sos/ sambal: kisar tomato, cili hijau/ merah, batang ketumbar (kalau tak suka baunya, tak perlu letak), gula, garam & perahan jus lemon.
* rempah kabsa
Satu sudu makan cengkih, lada hitam, jintan manis, jintan putih, buah pelaga dan buah pelaga hitam (kalau tak ada gantikan dengan pelaga biasa). Goreng semuanya tanpa minyak hingga naik bau dan angkat.
Kisar semuanya hingga hancur bersama dengan 1 sudu makan serbuk cili dan 1 sudu teh serbuk kunyit.
Simpan rempah dalam bekas kedap udara
Apr 17, 2010
Bawang putih - cincang
Cendawan butang - hiris nipis
Prawn - buang kulit
Lada hitam - tumbuk halus
Minyak zaitun (extra virgin)
Fettucine - rebus
1- Tumis bawang putih kemudian masukkan udang.
2- Masukkan cendawan. Kacau hingga empuk.
3- Masukkan garam dan fettucine. Kacau rata.
4- Masukkan lada hitam. Kacau rata.
5- Sedia untuk dihidang.
Apr 15, 2010
Bawang putih
Ayam/daging/ sotong/ udang/ meatball/ semuanya sekali
Sos tiram
Sos ikan
Sos tomato
Stok ayam (kalau tak ada, air biasa pun jadi)
Sayur-sayuran (kobis bunga, cendawan, capsicum, karot, cili merah/ hijau...)
Tepung jagung
Serbuk lada hitam
Minyak untuk menumis
1- Tumis bawang putih dan halia
2- Masukkan ayam/ daging....
3- Masukkan sos tiram, sos ikan, sos tomato & stok ayam/ air
4- Masukkan tepung jagung yang telah dibancuh (untuk pekatkan kuah). Kacau.
5- Masukkan sayur2an
6- Masukkan garam sekiranya perlu & serbuk lada hitam
7- Masukkan pasta* (yang telah direbus terlebih dahulu) apabila sedia untuk dimakan.
* untuk yang ni saya masukkan pasta "vermicelli"
Apr 12, 2010

This novel is a follow-up to the international bestseller Man and Boy. It revolves around relationships - why we fall in love and why we marry, why we stay and why we go.
In this sequence, Harry Silver is learning to juggle his many commitments - to his wife and his ex-wife, to his son, his stepdaughter and his mother, to his own work and his wife's career.
And then someone walks into his life who is going to make it even more complicated...
In my opinion, Harry is a character who does not learn anything from his past. I feel angry with the character, his stupidity... you read this book and we might share the sentiments...
Apr 11, 2010
1 3/4 C all purpose flour
1 3/4 C castor sugar
3/4 C cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2/3 C butter
16 oz dairy sour cream (+- 454g)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
Fudge frosting (untuk hiasan)
1. Panaskan oven. Gris loyang 13"x9"x2"
2. Ayak tepung, koko, baking soda dan baking powder serta garam
3. Pukul butter dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan telur dan pukul lagi.
4. Masukkan sour cream dan vanilla. Kacau sebati dan masukkan bahan2 kering. Kacau hingga sebati.
5. Bakar selama 40 minit dgn suhu lebih kurang 180 darjah selsius
Apr 9, 2010
1 can of chickpeas (16 oz)
1/4 cup liquid from the can
3-5 tsbp lemon juice
1 1/2 tbsp tahini
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
2 tbsp olive oil
(parsley and paprika for garnishing)
Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low until thoroughly mixed & smooth.
Place in serving bowl and create a shallow well in the centre of the hummus. Add olive oil in the well. Sprinkle with a little bit of paprika/ chilli and garnish with parsley.
Serve immediately/ cover & refrigerate.
* can be in the freezer for 1 month. Put olive oil to avoid dry.
Hummus can be served with any kind of bread.

1 can of chickpeas (16 oz)
1/4 cup liquid from the can
3-5 tsbp lemon juice
1 1/2 tbsp tahini
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
2 tbsp olive oil
(parsley and paprika for garnishing)
Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low until thoroughly mixed & smooth.
Place in serving bowl and create a shallow well in the centre of the hummus. Add olive oil in the well. Sprinkle with a little bit of paprika/ chilli and garnish with parsley.
Serve immediately/ cover & refrigerate.
* can be in the freezer for 1 month. Put olive oil to avoid dry.
Hummus can be served with any kind of bread.
Apr 2, 2010
Paling penting nak buat kek ni... putih telurnya mesti naik bertanduk. Maksudnya bila kita angkat pemukul tu, telur tu juga akan terangkat dan tak jatuh. Kalau putih telur tak kembang, jgn harap kek ni nak jadi.
Nak bagi telur ni kembang, pastikan tak bercampur dengan kuning telurnya, bekas tak berminyak ataupun basah.
Jadi, apa yang berlaku semalam ialah, kuning telur pecah dan masuk ke dalam bekas putih telur. Dah keluarkan setakat yang boleh tapi masih ada lagi saki bakinya. Dan hasilnya, memang tak memuaskan -putih telur tak kembang seperti yang sepatutnya. So kek pun tak jadi sangat. Tapi, rasanya tetap sedap. Itu dah cukup bagus ;)

Bahan A:
250g cream cheese
50g butter
100ml susu segar
6 biji kuning telur
2 sb jus lemon
1/4 sk garam
60g tepung kek/ superfine (kalau tak ada, tepung biasa pun boleh)
20g tepung jagung
Bahan B
120g gula pasir
6 biji putih telur
1/4 sk cream of tartar / 3/4 sk jus lemon
1. Cairkan cream cheese, butter & susu dgn teknik double boiler. Sejukkan.
Kemudian masukkan tepung, tepung jagung, kuning telur, garam & jus lemon ke dalam adunan creamcheese tadi & gaul ingga sebati.
2. Dalam bekas yang lain, pukul putih telur bersama cream of tartar sehingga berbuih. Masukkan gula & pukul lagi sehingga bertanduk (soft peak).
3. Campur adunan (1) kedalam adunan (2) yang gebu dan kacau sebati. Sediakan bekas kek yang bulat 8" yang digris bawahnya dan bahagian tepinya di salut dgn 'baking paper' (kertas minyak kot). Tuang adunan kek ke dalam bekas.
4. Bakar kek kira2 satu jam dgn cara 'water bath' pada 160 darjah selsius.

Nak bagi telur ni kembang, pastikan tak bercampur dengan kuning telurnya, bekas tak berminyak ataupun basah.
Jadi, apa yang berlaku semalam ialah, kuning telur pecah dan masuk ke dalam bekas putih telur. Dah keluarkan setakat yang boleh tapi masih ada lagi saki bakinya. Dan hasilnya, memang tak memuaskan -putih telur tak kembang seperti yang sepatutnya. So kek pun tak jadi sangat. Tapi, rasanya tetap sedap. Itu dah cukup bagus ;)
Bahan A:
250g cream cheese
50g butter
100ml susu segar
6 biji kuning telur
2 sb jus lemon
1/4 sk garam
60g tepung kek/ superfine (kalau tak ada, tepung biasa pun boleh)
20g tepung jagung
Bahan B
120g gula pasir
6 biji putih telur
1/4 sk cream of tartar / 3/4 sk jus lemon
1. Cairkan cream cheese, butter & susu dgn teknik double boiler. Sejukkan.
Kemudian masukkan tepung, tepung jagung, kuning telur, garam & jus lemon ke dalam adunan creamcheese tadi & gaul ingga sebati.
2. Dalam bekas yang lain, pukul putih telur bersama cream of tartar sehingga berbuih. Masukkan gula & pukul lagi sehingga bertanduk (soft peak).
3. Campur adunan (1) kedalam adunan (2) yang gebu dan kacau sebati. Sediakan bekas kek yang bulat 8" yang digris bawahnya dan bahagian tepinya di salut dgn 'baking paper' (kertas minyak kot). Tuang adunan kek ke dalam bekas.
4. Bakar kek kira2 satu jam dgn cara 'water bath' pada 160 darjah selsius.
Apr 1, 2010
2 medium potatoes (300g/ 10 oz)
200g flour (1 1/3 cups)
5 tbsp plain yoghurt
1 tsp salt
6 tbsp water
Oil for deep-frying
1. Place the potatoes in pan, cover with water and bring to boil then simmer until cooked, about 10-15 minutes. When the potatoes are done, peel and mash until free of lumps. Set aside.
2. Sift the flour into a bowl and add the yogurt, salt and mashed potatoes.
3. Mix by hand to form a soft dough, adding sufficient water to soften. Knead for 10 minutes then set aside for 10 minutes.
4. Divide the mixture into 12 equal portions. Place a portion on a rolling board dusted with flour then roll it out into a pancake about 10 cm (4 in) in diameter.
5. Heat the oil in a wok until very hot and then deep fry 1 or 2 puris at a time until golden brown.
6. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels. Serve with Vegetarian Dal Curry or with a chutney.
Last time I made this, I did not fry it. Instead I just put it in a non-stick pan with a little bit of ghee and cooked it the way I cook capati. If fried, this puri will turn out like roti arab. By the way I cooked it, it turned into a capati. You can also serve puri with hummus (pureed chickpeas).
Mar 31, 2010

Unexpectedly denied a visa to remain in the United States, Qanta Ahmed, a young British Muslim doctor, becomes an outcast in motion. On a whim, she accepts an exciting position in Saudi Arabia. This is not just a new job; this is a chance at adventure in an exotic land she thinks she understands, a place she hopes she will belong.
What she discovers is vastly different. The Kingdom is a world apart, a land of unparalleled contrast. She finds rejection and scorn in the places she believed would most embrace her, but also humor, honesty, loyalty, and love.
And for Qanta, more than anything, it is a land of opportunity. A place where she discovers what it takes for one woman to re-create herself in the land of invisible women.
What she discovers is vastly different. The Kingdom is a world apart, a land of unparalleled contrast. She finds rejection and scorn in the places she believed would most embrace her, but also humor, honesty, loyalty, and love.
And for Qanta, more than anything, it is a land of opportunity. A place where she discovers what it takes for one woman to re-create herself in the land of invisible women.
Mar 23, 2010
Into the booming, gold-rush city of Shanghai fly Bill and Becca Holden with their small daughter Holly - a young family seeking their fortune far from their north London home.
When tragedy forces Becca to return to London with Holly, the friendship between a lonely family man, working night and day, and a neglected second wife grows into something more - something that threatens to destroy all their lives. And when Becca and Holly come back, it is time for all of them to learn something about the meaning of love and the bonds of family.
When tragedy forces Becca to return to London with Holly, the friendship between a lonely family man, working night and day, and a neglected second wife grows into something more - something that threatens to destroy all their lives. And when Becca and Holly come back, it is time for all of them to learn something about the meaning of love and the bonds of family.
Mar 1, 2010
Sometimes we've all got a bit of learning to do...
By: Melissa Nathan
Nicky Hobbs loves teaching at the local primary school. She's idolised by her class - in particular ten-year-old Oscar Samuels - but she's starting to find she's quite like some adult adoration for a change...
Mark Samuels is a frazzled single father working all the hours God gives to provide for his beloved son, Oscar. But he's unable to see that Oscar would prefer his presence to his presents once in a while...
Ms Hobbs knows Mr Samuels is a heartless workaholic. Mr Samuels is certain Ms Hobbs is an interfering busybody. But when they finally meet they start to discover that first impressions can be deceptive. And perhaps they've both got a bit of learning to do...
By: Melissa Nathan
Nicky Hobbs loves teaching at the local primary school. She's idolised by her class - in particular ten-year-old Oscar Samuels - but she's starting to find she's quite like some adult adoration for a change...
Mark Samuels is a frazzled single father working all the hours God gives to provide for his beloved son, Oscar. But he's unable to see that Oscar would prefer his presence to his presents once in a while...
Ms Hobbs knows Mr Samuels is a heartless workaholic. Mr Samuels is certain Ms Hobbs is an interfering busybody. But when they finally meet they start to discover that first impressions can be deceptive. And perhaps they've both got a bit of learning to do...
Feb 20, 2010
By Zoe Ferraris (2008)

Among the well-to-do families of Jeddah, Palestinian-born desert guide Nayir is an outsider. But when Nouf ash-Shrawi, the sixteen-year-old daughter of a wealthy Saudi dynasty, disappears just before her arranged marriage, Nayir is the man the Shrawis trust to bring her home.
Days later Nouf's body is found in a desert wadi, but Nayir's task is not over; he feels compelled to uncover the disturbing circumstances surrounding her death. His search takes him far from his natural terrain, away from the endless dunes and empty skies of the desert and into the city of Jeddah, with its oppressive monuments, foreigners' compounds and shuttered apartments. Most troubling of all, his investigations force him to work closely with Katya Hijazi, a forensic scientist. He finds himself struggling with emotions he has fought all his life to repress and with loyalties he has never before questioned: to old friends, to his faith, and to a culture in which women take their secrets to their graves.
Vivid and suspenseful, The Night of the Mi'raj is an extraordinary psychological drama and a mesmerising portrait of a society at once exquisitely cultured and profoundly claustrophobic.
Days later Nouf's body is found in a desert wadi, but Nayir's task is not over; he feels compelled to uncover the disturbing circumstances surrounding her death. His search takes him far from his natural terrain, away from the endless dunes and empty skies of the desert and into the city of Jeddah, with its oppressive monuments, foreigners' compounds and shuttered apartments. Most troubling of all, his investigations force him to work closely with Katya Hijazi, a forensic scientist. He finds himself struggling with emotions he has fought all his life to repress and with loyalties he has never before questioned: to old friends, to his faith, and to a culture in which women take their secrets to their graves.
Vivid and suspenseful, The Night of the Mi'raj is an extraordinary psychological drama and a mesmerising portrait of a society at once exquisitely cultured and profoundly claustrophobic.
Feb 3, 2010
Six suspects by Vikas Swarup
Vicky Rai, the son of a high-profile Minister, has been shot dead by one of the guests at his own party. They are a glitzy bunch, but among them the police find six strange, displaced characters with a gun in their possession, each of them steaming with a secret motive.
India's wiliest investigative journalist, Arun Advani, makes it his mission to nail the murderer. In doing so, the amazing, tender and touching, techni-colour lives of six eccentric characters unravel before our eyes. But can we trust Advani? Or does he have another agenda in mind...?
Vicky Rai, the son of a high-profile Minister, has been shot dead by one of the guests at his own party. They are a glitzy bunch, but among them the police find six strange, displaced characters with a gun in their possession, each of them steaming with a secret motive.
India's wiliest investigative journalist, Arun Advani, makes it his mission to nail the murderer. In doing so, the amazing, tender and touching, techni-colour lives of six eccentric characters unravel before our eyes. But can we trust Advani? Or does he have another agenda in mind...?
Jan 27, 2010
This is a new year giveaway by My Sweet Den.
If you want to join the giveaway, go to her blog and do what is requested of you (see below)

Here's what you need to do to win this Giveaway.
~ Post about this giveaway in your blog. (You earn FIVE extra entries into the drawing if you post an entry about it in your blog.)
~ Leave a comment to this post with a link to your post. .
~ Be my follower.
The giveaway will be closed on Sunday, January 31. So please leave your comment here before that time.
The winner will be picked randomly and announced on Tuesday, February 2.
Good Luck..
If you want to join the giveaway, go to her blog and do what is requested of you (see below)
Here's what you need to do to win this Giveaway.
~ Post about this giveaway in your blog. (You earn FIVE extra entries into the drawing if you post an entry about it in your blog.)
~ Leave a comment to this post with a link to your post. .
~ Be my follower.
The giveaway will be closed on Sunday, January 31. So please leave your comment here before that time.
The winner will be picked randomly and announced on Tuesday, February 2.
Good Luck..
Jan 20, 2010
It's Button Planet Enterprise 1st birthday today. As such, it is giving away 3 vouchers worth RM20 each. If you are interested to participate, do visit BPE now for more info
Jan 6, 2010
Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.
Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs
One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack
p/s: sent to me by a friend.
Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs
One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack
p/s: sent to me by a friend.

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